
Showing posts from June, 2015

My taste in music

Hello my Ravens, today........this morning rather I'm going to talk about music. Being raised a Southern Baptist I've listened to Southern Gospel all of my life and I love it. I never really got too much into Contemporary, but I appreciate it and anyone who does listen to it. Besides that this is one of my quirks, I rarely ever get into a particular group or Artist, though in HighSchool I went through a big Toby Keith phase and I still like him of course. But, I have always gone more by favorite songs than who sings them. Example: I love the song Diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin, however I could not tell you another song they sing if my life depended on it. Other songs I've always loved are Eye of the Tiger by Survivor, Never gonna give you up by Rick Astley, Texas Tornado by Tracy Lawrence, Ships that don't come in by Joe Diffie among others. But I have to say that my all time favorite song, that one that I can listen to a thousand times in a row and still head bang

Diary of an Aspie part 2

Hello my Ravens. I don't have anything very insightful to say today, so I'm just going to give you another one of my videos on Asperger's Syndrome. Hope you enjoy and learn something you didn't know before.

The River Of Slime

 A lot has been going on in the country the last couple of weeks and it has brought out the worst in people. Nobody's opinion is respected by anyone else. All of this reminds me of the plot to GhostBusters 2. For those of you who don't remember or have never seen it, there was an evil guy from the past called Vigo the Carpathian and he haunted a painting in the museum. The GhostBusters then discovered a River of Slime under the city. The slime was the incarnation of all of the hatred and bad feelings of everyone in NewYork. I began thinking, even if it is just a movie, if there was that much hatred and bitterness in just one city in the 80s, then how much would there be under the whole country over 25 years later? The GhostBusters used the one symbol that brought everyone together to bash through the wall of hatred the slime created. It was the Statue of Liberty. Would even Lady Liberty work today? Could we all overcome the hatred and send Vigo packing.....or would we be doomed


Does anyone else just absolutely LOVE rain? It's magical to me. It's always know to be connected with sadness and depression, yet it has the opposite effect on me. If I'm mad or sad or  whatever, a hard rain always makes me smile. It is so comforting and relaxing. It helps me sleep (Not that I need  much help) it calms me. It's just like God is cleansing the world with drops of water falling from the sky. Any of you the same way, or am I just a weirdo? Actually I know I'm a weirdo for many other reasons, but I thought I would share this. :) I've always wanted to write something paranormal revolving around rain, but have been unable to, up to this point. I'm sure inspiration will hit at some point.

A reading from "The Bone Spirit"

I suddenly realized I had not made a post today, so here is a video of a reading from "The Bone Spirit" Enjoy, like, subscribe. :)

Sample from "The Preacher"

The thick, musty air tickled Jacob Cross's nose as he walked slowly down the old dirt road. Whereever he was, he was fairly certain it had recently rained. Where was he? Was he really in this place? Was he dreaming? At one point he was absolutely sure he was dreaming, but then that eerie feeling you might very well be awake kicked in. Everything in sight emanated an odd glow. His senses had heightened dramatically and he could actually see the aura of every tree, leaf, and rock in his vicinity. The trees on either side of the road did not branch off into a forest.; rather they grew close together. So close that you could not fit a piece of paper between their trunks. Their configuration formed an endless wall that threatened to trap Jacob on his current path with nowhere to run. The only place he could possibly go was forward. Being only twenty-three, Jacob was very young to be the pastor of a small hamlet and overall. it was a difficult situation. Even though he preached to a

A reading from Accents of Horror

Well, I will be gone most of the day when I wake up and since I'm not sleeping like I should be I figured I might as well make a quick blog post. Yesterday I posted the video for a reading from The Preacher, today it will be a reading from Accents Of Horror.

A reading from The Preacher.

Hello my Ravens. I hope everyone had an awesome Father's day. I was absent yesterday as I was with my own Dad most of the day waiting on the season Premier of The Last ship, which was incredible. Today's post is another one of my videos in which I do a reading from The Preacher. hope you enjoy and Happy Reading........or watching.........whatever.
Hello Ravens. Today's post will be educational as it will be about Asperger's syndrome. I have a series of videos on it and this was the first one. Enjoy!

Buster's book reviews

Good Afternoon my Ravens. Last night I told you about a lot of my favorite books, but I didn't go into too much detail. Luckily my number 1 fan Buster has his own book review videos. In volume 1 of his series he reviewed Blue Smoke by Nora Roberts. Warning: Does contain spoilers and endless silliness.

My favorite books.

 Good evening my Ravens. Tonight I'm going to tell you about some of my favorite books I have read. Admittedly I have a very short list of writers I read, but they are some of the best! I've read Dean Koontz and Stephen King longer than anyone, but I am also a big fan of Tami Hoag and some Nora Roberts. The first book on my list is "Bag Of Bones" by Stephen King. I guess I may relate to it more, because the main character is a writer, but I think the story was brilliant and had just the right amount of romance. Another plus is that you got a true happy ending which is sometimes rare in King books. Next up we have "Life Expectancy" by Dean Koontz. This is one of the most creative storylines I've ever read and I knew I would love it just by reading the cover. (Not going to go into plots or details as this post would end up being a Novelette!) This was another book that had a perfect ending. As you have learned by now, even though I love horror, I'm a s

Resident Evil vs Silent Hill

I couldn't really think of anything to post today, so I figured I would just post that video I was telling you about in which I compared the videogames Resident Evil and Silent Hill. Hope you enjoy it and subscribe to my channel.
Quick post here. If any of you want to follow me on Twitter you can find me at @ChrisSnider83 There you can see any writing news I have, my promotional memes, reviews.......but half the time it's me complaining about wrestling.......but, it's still worth your time I think!! :)

The Preacher's reviews

Good Morning my Ravens. Well, I've used all of my internet data for the month, but luckily it resets on the 18th, so I may not be able to get here tomorrow. Therefore I'm going to post a quick link to the reviews for The Preacher that you can browse. Happy Reading!

Horror Videogames

Good afternoon my Ravens. Last night I talked about my favorite movies. Now I'm going to talk about my favorite Horror Videogames. I've always felt that Silent Hill and Resident Evil are the juggernauts of this category, each spawning a ton of sequels and prequels. I did a video in which I compared the two, but I will save that for another day. The First Silent Hill will always be my all time favorite horror game, because it truly scared me, plus three times I have bought a new system just to play a Silent Hill game. Joke was on me this time since Silent Hills was cancelled..... Anyway Silent Hill 2 is usually the favorite of fans of the series, but my heart still belongs to the original. Silent Hill Homecoming is probably my second favorite game. I played it to death and got 100% on the accomplishments. Some did not like this addition to the series, feeling like it just wasn't Silent Hill, but I loved the atmosphere and the story. Next up on my list is Resident evil 2. Thi
Okay, this is a late.....or early post, depending on how you look at it. I've talked enough about my work, So I'm going to spend a couple of posts talking about non-job related stuff and hopefully you can get involved as well. As you have most likely figured out by now, I love anything Horror related. I've loved spooky stuff since I was a little kid. The first real Horror movie I ever saw was Halloween 4 when My Step Father rented it. Needless to say when Michael Myers sat up beside the bed and lightning revealed that mask, I was freaked completely out, but I learned to love it! Probably my favorite Horror movie is Friday the 13th part 7. Kind of random right? The reason being I loved the character of Tina played by Lar Park Lincoln and this was the first time Kane Hodder played the part of Jason. It also had one of Jason's most popular kills, the sleeping bag kill. I've seen it well over twenty times at least. Some other Horror movies that are my favorites are Sile

Author's page.

Hello My Ravens, I hope things are going well and you had a wonderful weekend. Before I spend the day playing Mortal Kombat, pigging out and napping all while waiting on Monday night Raw to see the new Money In The Bank holder Sheamus, I thought I would give you thin link to my Facebook Author's page. Any news I ever had is on this page. It has all my books, pictures, memes and every video i have ever done. So stop by and give it a like if you have a chance and follow me here if you like! Have a good rest of the day and Happy Reading!
Hello my Ravens. Wanted to get a post in during the Nascar rain delay and I know I will be napping later! But, earlier this week I gave you a link for the reviews for Accents of Horror. Today I'll give the link for the Bone Spirit's Reviews. See what these readers think about it and hopefully you will decide to try it yourself. :)
It's good to have fans. I'm always happy to sign a book or autograph for someone. But, what do you do when your number 1 fan lives in your back yard?! Take a look at this video and meet my biggest fan, Buster McButterfinger!

Reviews for Accents Of Horror

Ok, posting the one review didn't look too good, so I think a better idea is for me to post a link to all of this book's reviews, so you can just look for yourself. Happy reading!


Hello My Ravens. Today I'm going to share one of my many book  reviews. this is one I am particularly proud of and it is for Accents Of Horror. 2 of 2 people found the following review helpful Like Watching the Twilight Zone in well-chosen words! By  Dii   TOP 500 REVIEWER  on May 30, 2015 Format: Kindle Edition What goes on in the mind of an author? Can one sentence turn into an entire tale?  Chris Snider asks and answers his own questions in his short story collection of  horror and darkness, Accents of Horror: Four Flavors of Death sounds like a trip to an ice cream shop, if that shop sold horrific flavors. A man running from his nightmares picks up a lone hitchhiker on a dark and stormy night…will he learn that no good deed goes unpunished or will he find forgiveness from a stranger? Do spirits linger in a plane of existence until they take care of earthly business? Do they rely on chosen humans to reveal themselves in hopes  of being understo
Hello my Ravens. Some of you may not be aware of it, but I have Asperger's Syndrome. This can make me seem odd at times, but who doesn't have their quirks? I'm not going to go into details about what AS is, but I will say that I believe it is one of the key reasons I am a writer. I have had an incredibly vivid imagination as long as I can remember. Putting this together with certain factors that happened in highschool, it took me to where I am today. A kind of double edge sword is that it makes me incredibly focused on things that interest me, sometimes too much so. But, this really helps motivate me when I am marketing, because I want nothing more than to be a best selling author one day. I'm going to leave a link for a playlist from my youtube channel of videos I have done on Asperger's syndrome. That will do it for this post and I hope to see you again. Happy Reading!
Hi guys. I do have a youtube channel and it would be great if you subscribed. Here is just one of the many videos I have and it tells you more about who i am.

The Bone Spirit

Greeting my Ravens. Today I'm going to tell you about my 3rd book that was released late 2014 and it is called The Bone Spirit. It follows the story of James Conrad, the best selling author of three books. During the writing of his third book James's life took a downward spiral. The pressure of writing it caused him to begin drinking more and more, forcing his wife Casey to leave him. Now that he is trying to write his fourth novel, he has complete writer's block. this is the least of his problems since he is also seeing a man made of only bones that whispers into his mind. One night the voice almost convinces James to slit his wrists and in a panicked state he calls Casey. Now it is up to the two of them to go on a journey to determine what The Bone Spirit is and HOW they can stop him. I would categorize this as a Horror/Suspense with a touch of Romance. It is available on Amazon, or on Nook and Kindle for $2.99. That's it for today's post and as I always say &qu
Good afternoon my Ravens. Today I'm going to tell you a little about my second book, which was published in late 2013. It contains four short stories. Three are by me and one is by my editor, the very talented Ellen Maze. It is called Accents of Horror: Four Flavors of Death. What would you do if you saw a hitchhiker on the side of the road on a dark and rainy night? What would you do if you saw headlights coming over a hill and they disappeared with nowhere to go? What would you do if the Grim reaper showed up at your door in the middle of dinner? What if you were an out of work actor and the man who stole your job sat down next to you in a diner? All of these ominous question will be answered in Accents of Horror: Four Flavors of Death. If you're a fan of The Twilight Zone or Tales from the crypt, you should enjoy this book. It has been compared to these by multiple reviewers. You can get the paperback or have it on Nook or Kindle for just 99 cents. That will do i

The Preacher

Good afternoon my Ravens. Today's post is about my first book "The Preacher." Published in May of 2013 it follows the Story of Jacob Cross, a Preacher in a future dark age. After seeing a disturbing image in his sleep Jacob's village is slaughtered by demons and he is all but left for dead. It is then that an Angel comes to him and tells him that he has been chosen by God to rid the world of this menace. However, he will not have to do it alone. He will find three warriors, each in a different place to help him on his way. If you are a fan of Fantasy, Horror, Christian Literature, or all three, then this is the book for you.You can find it on,, Barnes and, and of course it is on Nook and Kindle for the low price of $2.99. I hope everyone will check it out. Until next time, HAPPY READING!

Amazon page

Ok my Ravens (My name for my followers.) I think I have this decently built right now, but will still research on how to make things better. I'm going to start off by giving you guys the link to my Amazon page. There you can see more pics of me, my books to purchase, reviews and a little more about who I am. Thank you in advance to anyone who decides to follow little old morbid me.
Greetings to my hopefully future followers! It was suggested to me that a blog would be a great way to help get my name out there. In the future I hope to post my writing news, previews of books I already have released and other things concerning my career. Be patient with me, the blog stuff is very new to me and it may take a couple of days to catch on! Happy reading to all.