
Showing posts from July, 2016

Buster's Book Reviews Volume 14

Buster is back in this video, trying not to melt and reviewing "The Bad Place" by Dean Koontz.

It's been Quiet

Here's a random video I did the other morning when I couldn't sleep.

WWE BattleGround

Haven't been very active this month, but here is a video I did telling how I would book WWE BattleGround.

Odd Thomas

In this video I talk about a great book series by Dean Koontz, his Odd Thomas series. Warning: Does contain major spoilers,

WWE 4th Of July Rant

Sometimes the WWE just makes me shake my head....

Diary of an Aspie 10

In this installment of the Diary of an aspie series it was early morning and I had a case of insomnia, so I told about how Aspies are alone with their thoughts at night when they try to sleep.